Developing a review

Your protocol describes your review methods and it will guide you in developing your review. The editorial process for reviews is similar to that for a protocol.

A selection of information resources including guidelines and checklists are available for you to use when writing your review under Resources.

Once your protocol is published, our Information Specialist will run the search for your review.

When you have completed your review to your own satisfaction it should be submitted 'formally' to the Editorial Base. This means that it will again be entered into the Kidney and Transplant Group referee process. The same referees for the  protocol will also be invited to referee the review. The comments from all referees will be provided to you by the Managing Editor.

Following any necessary revisions and approval by the Editorial Team, the completed review is submitted to the Cochrane Library for publication.

Interpreting results and drafting conclusions in Cochrane reviews

Please see this video reflecting the guidance in the Handbook Chapter 15. We reccomend author look at this before starting to write the Abstract and Plain Language Summary.