Writing a review

If you are interested in undertaking a review with Cochrane Kidney and Transplant, the first thing to do is to contact the Editorial base. Enquiries about the Cochrane Kidney and Transplant review process are most welcome and will not be viewed as a commitment to undertake a review.

Our group supports intervention reviews (including network meta-analysis), diagnostic test accuracy reviews and prognosis reviews (see here for more information about Cochrane reviews).

A Cochrane review is submitted in four stages.

  1. Review proposal
  2. Protocol development
  3. Review development
  4. Updating the review

How long should a review take?

A Cochrane review is never 'finished'. These are the three stages:

  • Title to protocol: draft protocol due 6 months after title registration
  • Protocol to review: draft review due 12 months after protocol publication
  • Updates: based on need

Overdue protocol and review policy

Overdue protocols

  • Titles that have been registered for more than 6 months, and the draft protocol has not been submitted for editorial processing, will be required to show cause why this title should not be deregistered.

Overdue review

  • Protocols that have been published for more than 12 months, and the draft review has not been submitted for editorial processing, will be required to show cause why this review should not be withdrawn from the Cochrane Library. Protocols that have not been published as full Cochrane Reviews within two years of publication are generally withdrawn from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR).

See here for Cochrane's policy on rejection of Cochrane reviews.